Construction, Development, Roofing
OBLIQUE (taken from an elevated side angle) and OVERHEADconstruction progress photos for any size of project. Photos are taken from the same angles and points each time forconsistent comparisons from one date to the next, and we can provide close-up detailed aerial photos of specific key construction events and the construction milestones. Flights done weekly, monthly, quarterly or on any schedule you set. We can even coordinate ground and airborne site photos to suit your needs.Identify potential project encroachments and Right-of-Way conflicts as well as detect damage, trespassing, vandalism potential leaks and possible environmental issues.
Show off your roofing and insulation work to highlight the job you did “up on top” that your clients won’t otherwise get to see.We understand your need for pre and post roofing work images to support your web and printed advertising, and can really highlight your work.